პოსტი “ფეისბუქიდამ”


Another gem from the GO GO GO man Com Mirza…

Think, think, think, think, and while your all ready thinking think bigger, better, bolder, more ambitious, more global, more universal. I have one recognized gift that I know for certain god blessed me with on this planet and that is my ability to think great thoughts, and all the while grow them bigger and bigger. Most people don’t get past penny thoughts. If you were paid to think and given the equivalent value in currency of the quality of thought you produced would you still think penny thoughts or million dollar ones? If our earning potential boiled down to our thoughts alone would you still think crap or gold? Sadly that’s what we do we limit ourselves to what we can have and be just by limiting our thoughts. I refuse to entertain thoughts in my head rent free unless ofcourse they are paying a billion minimum! That was the old me I’ve matured since then, I think trillion and quadrillion dollar thoughts these days! It’s all relative my friends because thoughts are things, they are energy, the more focused they become the more your reality resembles that energy vibration. Thoughts are also free and people are choosing to live ignorant poor and petty even in today’s advanced day and age. I encourage you, I support you and I challenge you to take back your thoughts, control them, expand them, and watch how your life begins to change, sprouting like a seed and growing like a mighty oak! Thinking is by far my greatest weapon and yours too, and used right it’s the sharpest sword in the world it cuts like a hot knife through butter towards your goals and dreams. Think think think think and while your thinking already think bigger better bolder. Thoughts are kings, we are pawns and this earth is our chess board. I’ve been yelling checkmate for years it’s your turn!!!!
Com Mirza
#theartandscienceofdreamchasing #thoughtsarepuregold #thinkbigger #thinkbolder #thinkfuckingcrazypositive #youarewhatyouthinkandnothingmore #dreamchasingfamily #checkfuckingmate #billionaireboardgames

About bulandawaaz

Activities: movies, reading a smorgsbord of interesting information, hanging out with my friends, eating out, cooking, reading :D Interests: music shairi/poetry, psychology, mehndi, choorian, stand up comedy, photography, analyzing, researching, critiquing GUYLIAN CHOCOLATES hee hee Favorite Music: anything old ghazal type, Gavin McGraw, Edwin McCain, Gwen Stefani, Yaani, Dj Aqeel, Billy Joel, Led Zeplin, Pink FLoyd, Deep Purple, depeche mode, def leppard, One Republic, Wale Favorite TV Shows: That 70's Show, Will and Grace, Friends, CSI, Nip Tuck, Favorite Movies: UP, Benjamin Button, Meet Joe Black, Next, Crash, Mystic River, Big Fish, Passion of the Christ, F-911, Back to the Future, Da Vinci, Corporate, Fanaa, The River Runs Through It, Seven Years in Tibet, BORAT! Favorite Books: Blink Kite Runner City of Light Little Women Da Vinci Code State of Fear faraway bride... Stupid White Men Dude Wheres my country? Its called a break up because its BROKEN Favorite Quotations: "My family is dysfunctional and my parents won't empower me. Consequently I'm not self actualized." I love Il Canale's pizza...and hashim mamoo's mutton biryani !! i love cocking my eyebrows and smirking i love my apartment i sing a lot, especially in the shower, im in tune but my lyrics are always wrong!!!!! google up the degeneration of the Y chromosome

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